Sunday, July 18, 2010

Green Leafy Snacks

Life being what it is, sometimes there's only time for one good meal in a day. On Sunday, my toddler son took a nap practically from noon to 3:30, putting lunch very late in the afternoon. On Monday, yard work with my father-in-law also pushed the midday meal well into the afternoon. And for me to eat a salad for the ONLY meal of the day? That really is asking a lot.

Still, a deal's a deal. So I turned to salad for a late-night snack each day. And I found a way to make each salad a bit unique from what I've tried before. Here's the results:

On Sunday, I added a dash of black pepper to my salad and realized why people choose to do such a thing. I've always thought it odd to put pepper on vegetables, but it actually brought out some new flavors, especially in the green peppers. Oh, BTW, I have decided that I really like green peppers. Even though I wasn't hungry enough to eat all of even the small salad I made for Sunday night, I made a point of picking out the peppers. I am amazing myself at how tasty I find some of these green things that I have avoided for more than thirty-five years!

On Monday, I was able to add cucumber, another vegetable I have avoided with a passion. Though there were none available at our farmers' market over the weekend, I did get a chance to pick one up while grocery shopping late Monday afternoon. So my salad snack on Monday night consisted of lettuce, carrots, turnips, onion, green pepper and cucumber. Oh, and black pepper again. I've got to say, I'm not thrilled by cucumbers. They don't taste bad, mind you, but I really got very little flavor at all. If anyone has suggestions on making cucumbers more tasty, I'm open to trying it.

Still haven't given tomatoes another try. I know they are a central ingredient to most any garden salad, and one of the few items that give color variance. I just don't know if my taste buds will embrace the tomato flavor. I do intend to try another variety soon and will, of course, report my findings.

Thus far, I have avoided the use of salad dressings on most of my salads, but I plan to try at least all of the major dressing groups as well over the next weeks and months. Please send any unique salad dressing recipes, as well as your favorite green salad mixes, to my email: I'll hope to hear from you soon!

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